Chabad of Nashoba Valley, founded in 2005 through the inspiration and guidance of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is nurtured and supported by concerned members of communities in the Nashoba Valley and Greater Boston area, Chabad is dedicated to the preservation and strengthening of our Judaic faith, principles, identity, commitment, and pride.

Chabad House is a unique and vibrant center, providing a home away from home for any man, woman, or youngster who walks through its doors. It's staffers are pioneers in the most literal sense, treading a path and showing the way to bring the light of Torah and Jewish tradition to all Jews. Acceptance of every Jew on their own level, regardless of their personal religious commitments or practices, is the legendary trademark of Chabad, By blending traditional values with modern day techniques, we have been successful in reaching even the most alienated, helping them appreciate their roots and Jewish identity, with pride.

In the Nashoba Valley our ambition is to serve as a Jewish "Living Room" of meaningful and joyful experiences for every Jewish man, woman, and child. Many of those who benefit from our programs are unaffiliated with any other jewish organization and find us as their first contact and primary motivation to explore Judaism. Through the various programs offered, many have come to see Chabad as their "beacon of light" illuminating their path towards a better understanding and appreciation of Jewish ideals and practice. Chabad has proven to serve as a torch to warm the hearts of all those who come in contact with us, in a warm, embracing, and inviting atmosphere.



Our Mission

To provide real life opportunities for connection to authentic Jewish life; to enhance awareness and appreciation for Jewish Tradition; to accept every Jew, regardless of background or level of commitment, and to offer a relaxed, non judgmental, and inviting Jewish atmosphere. 



Our Staff 

rabbi.jpgRabbi Zalman (and family) arrived here from his previous post as Rabbi in Newton, MA, to establish Chabad of Nashoba Valley in Westford, MA. Through his outreach activities he created a renaissance of Jewish awareness in the area.

His casual and social character makes him a very approachable individual with a calming & comforting effect. "I am not a fountain, merely a funnel or a conduit" he likes to say. Similarly, he prefers to be known on a first name basis - Rabbi Zalman.

Being a Chabad representative - Shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - is his passion. "The essential goal is to reach out to touch the heart of another human being, to help foster Jewish identity & pride for another Jew, to make this world a better place, and to help achieve a universal redemption via the hastening of Mashiach's arrival, these are the qualities that were imbedded in me by the Rebbe - the greatest Jewish leader of our generation" he says.

rebbetzin.jpgMrs. Malkie Gurkow completed her education in Brooklyn NY and Tzefat Israel. She is resourceful, energetic, and a natural reservoir of educational ideas and working methods for children. She was born to be a teacher, so she teaches. She also serves as an educational consultant for various schools in the US and Canada, and as personal coach for countless teachers in the field. She is also author of the educational series "Building a Better Me", published by Torah U'mseorah Publications, and used by Hebrew Schools throughout the world.

Malkie is the backbone behind many of the programs & events at Chabad of Nashoba Valley. A motivator, never short of ideas, charismatic to the core, her excitement is contagious. Her skills as a chef is nothing short of legendary amongst Chabad House regulars.

Malkie single handedly runs: Chabad's Women's Circle; Library Story Time; Mommy & Me; Bat Mitzvah Program; and the ever popular Chabad Hebrew School.



Our Goals

To provide a Jewish "Living Room" of meaningful and joyful experiences.

To offer Judaism with a smile.

To promote Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge of Jewish values and faith.

To accept every Jew, regardless of background or level of commitment.

To uncover the treasures of Jewish tradition.

To tear down the walls that divide the Jewish people.

To bring the world closer to universal redemption. 



Our Programs

  • Regular Shabbat Services
  • Jewish Holiday Programs
  • Weekly Study Classes
  • Periodic Lectures
  • Hebrew School
  • Friday Night Live
  • Library Story Time
  • Lunch & Learn
  • Women's Circle
  • Mommy & Me 
  • Tefillin Club
  • Bar & Bat Mitzvah Lessons
  • Hebrew Calendar Publication
  • Hospital & Prison Visitations
  • Mitzvah Campaigns
  • E-Torah Publications
  • Crises Intervention & Counseling
  • One on One Study
  • Jewish Library
  • Informative Web Site 



Learn More

Learn more about The Rebbe

Learn More about the Global Chabad Movement